2016年12月13日 星期二

week 14. pure design research

1. student presentation on "annotated portfolios"
2. Pure design research
"useless", "unusable", "non-functional" design

Counterfunctional things 
3. Lab, field, showroom methods review

Interaction design labels

2016年12月5日 星期一

week 13. making public of design research

making public of design research. p. 742

1. An operational design product with a one-sentence description.
2. A 10-page paper with a one-sentence design proposal.

Chapter 7 in "Design Research Through Practice : 

From the Lab, Field, and Showroom" 

how well is the "annotation"?



2016年11月29日 星期二

week 12. concept-things & annotated portfolios

annotated portfolios
Intermediate-level knowledge
The logic of annotated portfolios

How to annotate portfolios? What to annotate?

criticism? dialogues? phenomenology? interpretation? discourse?....

1. discuss and propose  "guidelines" or "frameworks" for annotation
2. use the above guidelines to annotate at least two design artifacts.

deadline: Dec. 14, 2016

2016年10月18日 星期二

2016年9月20日 星期二

week 2. reading "introduction"

1. 修辭研究,動詞及同義詞整理 (以九宮格)

2. 結構分析:  B P M R C

    將 Introduction 放在中間,Background 摘句放在上方,Purpose 摘句放在右方, Method/Question 摘句放在下方, Result/Conclusion摘句放在左方。

3. 概念吸收與討論

Homework 1:
Deadline:2016/10/5 (因颱風假延後至 10/12)
將 Introduction 重新改寫成 400 字以內的摘要。
使用 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010479949 或  http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010323464 的範例句型。